Add a Trusted Voice™️

Add a personal touch to your loved one's therapies. Create a Trusted Voice™️ Message.

Watch: Add a Trusted Voice™️

A Trusted Voice™️ message allows you to talk to your loved one without having to call them every day. Cheer them up and keep them on track.

Contact us for additional support.
Call 1-866-276-3546 or email us at

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

To add your Trusted Voice™ to an existing therapy, follow these simple steps:


Launch SimpleC Family Connect App.

Select your loved one’s Companion License.

On the dashboard, choose “Media Programs of Interest,” “Personal Photos and Videos,” “My Music,” or “Care Activities.” You can add a trusted voice™️ to any of the therapies in these categories.

Select the therapy that you want to add a message to.

Press “+ Add Voice Recording.” Located at the top of the page in blue text.

Press “Start Recording” and begin speaking your message.

If a permission pop-up appears, press “Allow” to allow the app to access your microphone.

Press “Stop Recording” when you are done speaking.

Press “Play Recording” to hear the message you just recorded.

Press “Save” if you are happy with the recording and wish to keep it.

Press “Record Again” if you’d like to redo the message.

Press the back button on the top left corner to leave without recording a message.


Congrats! You made a Trusted Voice. For additional support: call 770-290-0020 or email us at

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