Redefining what it means to deliver person-centered care through technology.

Redefining what it means to deliver person-centered care through technology.

One Platform That Fits Your World.

The SimpleC platform facilitates seamless communication, care, and connection through a customizable suite of easy to use mobile applications that can fit any environment and workflow. Founded in research; refined by customers like you.

SimpleC Care Circle


One Platform That Meets Every Need.

At SimpleC, we believe in bringing everyone in the circle of care together to not only deliver better outcomes for aging adults but their loved ones and care providers, too. Complete care coordination and collaboration begins with one platform made simple.


Motivate and bring residents together with safe & interactive content that encourages healthy daily activities, supports core community schedules & fosters a fun & engaging environment.


Strengthen social connections, build healthy habits & increase quality of life through the combined use of health, wellness, therapeutic & productivity features.

Staff & Management

Empower care staff with the tools needed to provide a higher level of care & operate more efficiently. Unlock the predictive meaning behind your data & gain key insights to make informed decisions.


Stay informed, connect with your loved ones & assist with care coordination whether you’re a few miles or several time zones away.


Motivate and bring residents together with safe & interactive content that encourages healthy daily activities, supports core community schedules & fosters a fun & engaging environment.


Strengthen social connections, build healthy habits & increase quality of life through the combined use of health, wellness, therapeutic & productivity features.

Staff & Management

Empower care staff with the tools needed to provide a higher level of care & operate more efficiently. Unlock the predictive meaning behind your data & gain key insights to make informed decisions.


Stay informed, connect with your loved ones & assist with care coordination whether you’re a few miles or several time zones away.

“Socialization is very important, not only do we have the SimpleC Platform in every room, but also in the common areas and that supports the residents interacting together. Together they have been able to have that social interaction. What SimpleC has done for our organization, for our residents, the staff and the family is phenomenal.”

– Community COO

“The therapy grows to help them connect not only with the staff which makes the care events much more efficient but also with their family and friends so that when they come they have a much more meaningful visit and the agitation is not there so there’s certainly less resistance and anxiety associated with that.”

– Community COO

“There have been positive, tangible results for our residents in just a matter of days, positive tangible results for their family and positive tangible results for us. Residents are happier. Our staff is also happier, they are able to deliver a higher quality of care and it really means something to them. They have more enjoyment in life because of this, so that has been just profound with our staff. It didn’t take more staff time. It is cost effective because it allows us to do more with less staff. It has made us more efficient in how we give care.”

– Community COO

“Prior to SimpleC’s implementation, as a director, I would often become aware of problems months after the patient had passed away when I received the results of the CAHPS survey, leaving me with no opportunity to address or remedy issues while they were occurring. The SimpleC solution, family feedback and satisfaction surveys, have been a gift for our business by giving us the time and chance to improve patient care, train nurses, and address concerns that patients and families experience as they happen.”

– Hospice Director

“The in-app communication channel keeps our care staff up to date on the patient’s current-status, so they have more information to make a prepared and meaningful visit, which is especially important in our rural counties due to distance, transportation limitations and lack of resources.”

– Hospice Director

“Thank you for all the support we have received through the years we used the SimpleC Platform with our mom. It was truly a blessing, especially when the (video) call-in feature was added.”

– Daughter of Resident

“The SimpleC Platform was amazing because not only did it give us these reminders to help them know when to eat lunch, dinner, take the eye drop, reminders, pills, prune juice. We were also able to introduce video content from days that made Daddy feel alive again. So we would play videos of us being children and our family vacations. And he would point to the screen and say, there’s Buddy. There’s Sarah. Immediately, he would remember everything, because it was a comfortable surrounding.”

– Sarah, family caregiver for her parents
(names changed to protect identity of customers)